48/45 Into the Deep 2025: un’emozionante avventura pirata Emozionante e intenso come le profondità oceaniche che ritrae, “Into the Deep” 2025 è un film avvincente e ricco di azione che si tuffa nel mondo della pirateria moderna. Con una trama avvincente che unisce azione mozzafiato...
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38/24 Mercenaries have forcibly taken over an offshore platform in Chinese territorial waters. The Chinese navy sets out to repel the invaders, and the Jiao Long team prepares for a fierce battle in the depths of the sea.
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38/26 Survive 2025: Una emocionante aventura oceánica En el corazón del océano, una pareja se embarca en una alegre celebración para celebrar el cumpleaños de su hijo a bordo de su barco. La atmósfera serena se rompe rápidamente cuando una violenta tormenta desciende sobre ellos,...
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23/29 An investment group invests a lot of money to open a sweet new bar/nightclub in a long-forgotten former communist bunker! While they’re busy renovating the space for a mix of punk, goth, and hipster, they suddenly come face to face with a bladed, bloodthirsty...
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36/34 Una directora de teatro comprometida recibe el encargo de volver a poner en escena la obra más famosa de su antiguo mentor, la ópera Salomé. Los recuerdos perturbadores del pasado permiten que los traumas reprimidos se derramen en el presente. triple triple 2024 baixar...
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30/24 Dans un flou mystérieux et surréaliste quelque part entre Téhéran et Winnipeg, les vies de plusieurs personnages s’entremêlent de manière surprenante et mystérieuse. Les élèves de l’école primaire Negin et Nazgol trouvent une somme d’argent gelée dans la glace hivernale et tentent de la...
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36/41 Thanksgiving 2 (2025): The Anticipated Sequel to the Horror Phenomenon The horror movie landscape is continuously evolving, and one of the most talked-about upcoming releases is “Thanksgiving 2,” set to hit theaters in 2025. Following the success of its predecessor, the 2023 Thanksgiving-inspired killer...
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42/15 Disney’s Snow White Disney’s “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” is a timeless classic that has enchanted audiences since its release in 1937. As the first full-length animated film, it set the standard for all animated films that followed. The story revolves around a...
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19/42 After learning that the priest cannot arrive in time to save a young boy possessed by a powerful evil spirit, two nuns take on the dangerous forbidden exorcism ritual themselves in direct violation of the Church's sacred order–putting both their lives and their immortal...
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39/33 Der siebzehnjährige Jeff wohnt auf Einladung der Familie seines Freundes Max in der Wildnishütte des Filmregisseurs Blake Cadieux. Als seltsame Ereignisse geschehen, vermutet Jeff, dass mit dem Regisseur und seinem Rückzugsort etwas nicht stimmt.
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